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March 25, 2025

Account registration

First name: *
Second name: *
E-mail address: *
Please check your e-mail address for accuracy.
Your e-mail will also be used as your "User name".
Create your password: *
Verify your password: *
Create password hint: *
Address line 1: *
Address line 2:
Province/State: *
Postal Code/ZIP: *
City: *
Country: *
Day phone number: *
Fax number:

  • Create good password

    Choose a password that is at least six characters long. In general, a good password will have a mix of lower- and upper-case characters, numbers, and should be at least 6 characters long.

  • Create password hint

    We will need this in case you have forgotten your password. Your Password Hint should be between 4 and 65 alphabetic characters (i.e., A-Z) with no spaces or special characters.

  • Phone number

    Please enter your correct phone or fax number. Phone number is required for some of the shipping options. More specifically, it is required by FedEx and requested by EMS (Express Mail). We will not call you and your phone number will not be shared with any third party. Make sure that you are using the correct e-mail address, as it will be your user name and main point for contact.

  • About APO and FPO

    For APO or FPO addresses, please enter APO or FPO in the City field and one of the following two-letter codes in the State field: AE for Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Canada; AA for Armed Forces Americas; and AP for Armed Forces Pacific. Also make sure that you have selected United States in the country list.

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