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March 25, 2025



The refractometer is probably the most useful tool available to gemologists. It measures a gemstones ability to bend light or refract light. This measurement is known as the refractive index and it is specific for every gemstone variety. Doubly refractive stones will show both a high and a low refractive index (RI) while singly refractive stones will display only one RI. Refractive index tables are published in most gemology books and gemologists can look them up and compare results to identify gemstones.

An RI liquid (typically metheleyne iodide) and a monochromatic light source are required to use the refractometer. The liquid creates a kind of optical seal between the stone and the refractometer allowing the RI to be measured without any interference from ambient light. The monochromatic light source sharpens the RI line making it easier for gemologists to interpret the results accurately.

Gemological measurement instruments price list

Dial calipers are ideal for measuring length, width, or depth in un-mounted faceted stones. The refractometer measures a gemstones ability to bend light or refract light. Tanita and Escali scales incoroporates a self-test during the turn-on calibration preventing inaccurate readings and costly mistakes when measuring gemstones weight.

Part # Product name Price
5045 Dial Caliper 10mm USD 40.00
5243 Tweezer Fine Size USD 12.00
5248 Tweezer Large Groove USD 20.00
5247 Tweezer Med Groove USD 20.00
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