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March 25, 2025

Grinding Wheel

Grinding Wheel

Designed for durability and toughness, Diamond Tech grinding wheels feature high concentrations of specially micronized high quality diamonds. Available in a wide range of mesh sizes for grinding or pre polishing, the tough diamonds assure longer life as well as faster and sharper cutting without chipping or cracking.

Grinding wheels price list

Diamond Tech electroplated wheels consist of a single layer of super abrasive particles bonded to the wheel by a hard nickel matrix. The bonding process allows the manufacture of wheels with various forms and contours. Vertically grinding pre-forming wheels are available in many sizes, shapes, and meshes. Pre-forming wheels can be used for shaping or careful fine grinding. The thinner wheels are used with calibrating and shaping machines while wider wheels are more useful for larger stones. Many cutters prefer vertical rotation which allows them to hold the work piece from the side and look down and grind comfortably at the same time.

Part # Product name Size Price
W3021 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 65.00
W3022 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 65.00
W3025 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 65.00
W3026 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 60.00
W3027 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 55.00
W3028 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 55.00
W3029 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 50.00
W3030 Grinding Wheel 6x1x1/2" USD 50.00
W3200 Preforming Wheel 6x.157x1/2" USD 25.00
W3201 Preforming Wheel 6x.157x1/2" USD 25.00
W3203 Preforming Wheel 6x.157x1/2" USD 25.00
W3214 Preforming Wheel 6x.157x1.25" USD 25.00
W3215 Preforming Wheel 6x.157x1.25" USD 25.00
W3250 Preforming Wheel 6x.25x1/2" USD 30.00
W3262 Preforming Wheel 6x.25x1.25" USD 30.00
W3263 Preforming Wheel 6x.25x1.25" USD 30.00
W3277 Preforming Wheel 6x.33x1/2" USD 35.00
W3351 Preforming Wheel 6x1/2"x1/2" USD 45.00
W3353 Preforming Wheel 6x1/2x1/2" USD 40.00
W3451 Cabbing Wheel 6x1x.1/2" USD 65.00
W3601 Cleft Cutter 6x.157x1/2" USD 65.00
W3701 Cleft Cutter 4x1x1" USD 65.00
W3702 Cleft Cutter 4x1x1" USD 65.00
W3703 Cleft Cutter 4x1x1" USD 65.00
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