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Your credit or debit card will be billed (appears on your statement) by MULTICOLOUR GEMS in U.S dollars. We accept all major currencies, but the amount charged may vary slightly due to currency fluctuations

Payment options

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, cheques, postal order denominated in U.S. dollars and wire (bank) transfers as payment. And if you want to order from us without sending your complete credit or debit card number over the Internet, you can send us your details by fax We do not accept Western Union Money Transfer, C.O.D, Paypal, Escrow, Eurocheques or cash in envelope in any currency.

Paying by credit card

Shopping at Diamond Tech website is completely safe and every purchase is backed by our security policy. Our secure-server software encrypts information to ensure that your transactions are private and protected. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Amercian Express cards. You can safely enter your entire credit card number via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information.

Visa Master Card American Express

CVV is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you are in possession of your credit card. CVV Visa and MasterCard CVV AmexIf you are using a Visa or MasterCard to pay for this purchase, you must provide the 3-digit CVV (Customer Verification Value) which can be found after the end of the credit card number (or sometimes your card will have the last 4 digits of your card number, followed by the CVV code) on the signature panel on the back of the credit card.

To provide you with an additional layer of security, all credit card numbers are stored on a separate encrypted database. After you type it in, your complete credit card number is transferred to this secure database across a proprietary one-way interface. This database is not accessible by any of Diamond Tech employees or administrators, and the credit card number is not stored anywhere else.

Additionally, you always can indicate, that you don´t want to save your card on file, by unmarking the appropriate option box in the credit card form and the credit card will be not saved.

And finally, we have a way for you to use your credit or debit card without ever having to enter the complete number on the internet. When filling out the order form, just select "Pay by fax" option. This gives us a way to track your order but guarantees your security. Then fax us your credit or debit card number. Remember to include your e-mail address and order reference on the fax.

Paying by money order or cheque

If you would like to pay by cheque or postal order, simply select the "Pay by Cashier´s, Personal or Business cheque" option during the order checkout, and send us a personal cheque or postal order in U.S. dollars for the total amount of your order.

Please note that currently we are only able to accept postal orders denominated in U.S. dollars or cheques denominated in U.S. dollars and drawn from a U.S bank.

After you have fully submitted your order on our website you can send your cheque payable to David Weinberg to the following address:

Diamond Technologies Co.,Ltd
# 59 Soi Pradit, Silom Soi 20,
Bangkok, Bangrak, 10500

Please remember to write your e-mail address clearly on the back of your cheque, as this will help us to process your order more efficiently. Also, please note, that paying by cheque does slow down your order somewhat as we do not ship your items until your cheque is received and your funds cleared.

Paying by telegraphic (wire) transfer

If you would like to make payment by wire transfer into our bank account (also known as bank transfer / telegraphic transfer), simply select this option during the order checkout process.

Please note, that paying by wire transfer option is subject to the minimum order value which is USD 300.00 or an equivalent in your currency and paying by wire transfer will take longer for your order to reach you as we can only process and send out your order after your funds have been received. Wire transfer typically delays your order 3 to 10 days, which depends on the bank you used to send your funds.

After you have fully submitted your order on our website please instruct your bankers to remit by electronic transfer of funds to:

Bank name: The Siam Commercial Bank., Ltd.
Branch: Silom Branch
Address: 723 Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok, 10500, Thailand
Account Name: Diamond Technologies Co. Ltd.
Account No: 0652083454

Please add your e-mail address and order reference in "remitter details", so that we are able to trace your payment in our records.

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