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Frequently asked questions

Are you the distributor, can i deal directly with the factory?

When you do business with Diamond Tech you are dealing with the factory. We do not have dealers, distributors, or middlemen to get in the way.

What is diamond or cBN micron powder?

Diamond or cBN micron powder is used to describe the range of very fine abrasives produced from these materials, used for instance, in precision machining and polishing applications. Applications include the use of micron diamond or cBN as loose powder, in for instance polishing, or in bonded tools, such as grinding wheels.

What is the difference between plated, brazed, and sintered diamond tools?

Plated and brazed tools are alsmost the same and utilize the same process for applying diamonds to the outside of a metal surface using a bonding agent (usually nickel). Sintered diamond tools are tools that have diamond integrated into the metal of the diamond tool. As you use the tool you can remove some of the metal and expose more diamond as you use it. They are longer lasting than plated tools and also more expensive. Usually used with core drills and diamond saw blades.

Do I need to use water with all your diamond tools?

Yes, all diamond tools require that you use water with them. If you don´t use water with the tools then you run the risk of destroying both your tool, and your piece of glass, and increase the chances of harming yourself or others.

How safe is a diamond saw blade?

Since diamond saw blades cut by sort of "grinding" into the material and are not recommended for hi speed usage, they are not as dangerous as metal saws with teeth. Nonetheless, care must be taken not to abuse that fact specially with older or damaged blades, who may be more dangerous because they are chipped or rusted rather than because they are made out of diamond.

Saw blade´s not cutting, is it defective?

All saw blades fdistributed through Diamond Tech are all sintered diamond blades. Before using the blades you should "dress" the blade with a dressing stick. This removes the top layer of metal from the blade exposing the diamonds underneath. As you use the blade, it may appear to lose its cutting edge. Simply dress the blade again by passing the blade through the dressing stick to expose more diamonds.

What is the difference between silicon carbide and diamond grinding?

Silicon carbide slurry utilizes a slowly turning cast iron wheel on which drops a "slurry" of grit. Each grit requires a different wheel or at least a lengthy cleaning period between usage of different grits to prevent cross contamination. Diamond grinding uses a horizontal lapping machine at a much higher speed. The "grit" is supplied by diamonds electroplated to the surface of a disk. The disks are then magnetically adhered onto the wheel head. Silicon carbide grinding also is a slow and arduous process. Diamond grinding can move three to four times faster than conventional silicon carbide grinding.

Why would I want a center hole in the disk?

The most common reason for a center hole in the disks is to give you something to line it up on your machine. Many machines, come with a center pilot on the wheel head to facilitate the easy lining up and application of the diamond disk. Some people run their diamond disks on machines that they have converted from slurry or some other use and they need a hole in their disk for the nut in the middle of the wheel head.

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